Stand up and claim your compensation  for traffic accidents

We pray to god that we reach and return from the workplace and journeys safely. For our safety, we tie knot with insurance companies, wear safety material and follow traffic and other safety rules. But when we become the victims of traffic accidents, why we remain shut up? In spite of large number of accidents, why only a certain percentage of the victims claim compensation for traffic accidents? The answers are not blowing in the winds, perhaps the reasons are lack of awareness, or an unwillingness to fight against the insurers.

In this fast-paced life, accidents are not predictable and can happen anytime. As per a recent survey undertaken by Kumari Rajshree Parmar Memorial Foundation, majority of road accidents take place owing to driver’s fault and not following the traffic rules. And, for this, it is indispensable to get insured with some insurance company. So that, you can approach the insurer for Road Traffic Accident Claims. Because, if unfortunately, you will become the victim of the road accident, there might be a chance of spinal & brain injuries, multiple fractures and even sometimes death. People also develop psychological problems like neurosis, anxiety and nightmares because of the road accidents.

Whiplash is a major problem linked with motor vehicle accidents. Generally, motor vehicle insurers cover this type of problems. We can assume the magnitude of the problem by the fact that affected by the disease, around 4, 30, 000 people filed Whiplash Claims in 2007. Whiplash, a non medical term, means a sudden strain to the bones, muscles and nerves in the neck. However, one can get injured in many ways such as bungee jumping, falls and head banging.  The symptoms, suffered by victims are back & neck pain, headache and pain in arms and legs.

If you get victimized of some form of road accident, adhere to following suggestions, so that you may not face any difficulty in filing Road Traffic Accident Claims:

  • Maintain peace and stay claim at crisis situation
  • Get in touch with police, doctors and other important persons
  • Do some paper work concerned with insurance policy and license plates. This will help you tremendously in achieving your compensation amount.
  • It is wise to click some snaps of the accident site. If camera is not available, take advantage of your cell phone. And, for safe storage, e-mail the photographs immediately to yourself
  • Your claim can be powered by the voice of eyewitnesses. Request people available at the accident site to act as a eye-witness and exchange contact details with them
  • Last but not the least; seek help of any legal expert, who handles road accident cases on a daily basis.